For my next series I turned to “Natron Lake“
On earth you can find really beautiful things if you have a minimum interest in geology and chemistry.
This type of environment gives you all the information you need to define your color palette and know what type of ocher and paint used.
Lake Natron located in northern Tanzania
is located in one of the most hostile environments on earth.
Temperatures in the lake can rise to 60°C (140°F)
The alkaline level is between pH 9 and pH 10.5. Mostly alkaline like ammonia. Animals that if adventure find themselves calcified and frozen like mummified stone statues.
Some fish live there and have evolved to resist its environment. A perfect mix between beauty of colors and certain death for humans.
The ideal subject.
Here the Rio Tinto, the river is famous for the reddish color of its waters, from which it takes its name. The color comes from the weathering of minerals that contain heavy metal sulphides found in deposits all along the river. These deposits are hydrothermal deposits composed mostly of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The process of weathering is due to the microbiological oxidation of these minerals, caused mainly by special bacteria that transform sulphide ions into sulfuric acids, releasing heavy metals into the water.
Due to the flow of sulfuric acid, the river water is very acidic.
Rio tinto is located in the southwest of Spain, coming from the Sierra Morena in Andalusia.
The Danakil Desert is one of the most hostile places on the planet. Some parts of this vast depression descend to a hundred meters below sea level, annual rainfall is almost non-existent, temperatures can rise to 50°C (122°F) and the main resource produced there is… salt.
A surreal landscape with bright and garish colors.